Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy 7 Months Dani!

Our little pipsqueak is getting so big! Dani is starting to get very mobile and is almost crawling 100%. She chases Kylie and Zoe around the house and likes to follow Mommy when she is doing her Fit TV routines. She has also become more vocal saying BLAH BLAH BLAH and enjoys making high pitched squeaks which hurt Mommy's ears. We can't believe time has flown so quickly as we are enjoying being parents so much.

Happy 7 months Dani! Love Mommy & Daddy.

Dani's 6 Month Photos

Due to popular demand, here are some Dani Pics for March and April! Cousin Bella came to visit and Dani's starting do the Army Crawl!

March - April